I remember years ago just having to worry about deworming pups since almost all puppies will have worms. But over recent years it seems Coccidia has became rampant in the United States.
Coccidiosis is a parasitic type of infection, caused by the coccidium, that most commonly causes watery, mucus-based diarrhea in dogs. If it is not treated, over time it can cause damage to the lining of the dog’s intestinal tract. But don’t worry with treatment it is easy to take care of.
Symtoms are a watery, mucous-like diarrhea. As the condition progresses, bloody diarrhea and an inability to withhold it will begin to show. The dog may also be in a weakened state. In most cases a dog’s own immune system can take care kill it off in healthy un-stressed dogs.
What dogs are most prone to be affected by coccidia are stress, as from moving, travel and weather changes, and being in an environment with other infected animals are the most common causes of this parasitic infection to develop. It is spread through fecal matter, and is most commonly found in puppies that have contracted the parasite from an adult dogs’ feces. The coccidiosis infection is of particular danger for young dogs, since their immune systems are still underdeveloped.
Treatment and the least expensive route I have seen. Corid is the medication farmers have been using for years it can be purchased at your local farm store like Tractor supply. Make sure you use the correct dose for the weight of your dog or puppy. A Hint for breeders: If you start mixing in half the recommended dose in the puppy mush once you ween the pups it acts as a preventative to getting Coccidia.
I hope this helps a lot of people recognize the signs. If it goes untreated in young puppies it is possible they could die from it.
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