Some save a few bucks by not using a flea and tick preventative during the winter months. Normally I always suggest to start it back up in April and not to stop using it till December but if you haven’t already this is a reminder its time to get your dogs on Frontline, Advantix or any other preventative. Frontline, Advantix and other similar products are a topical application that you apply on the skin down the back of your dog and has to be applied once a month. Keep in mind If you take your dog swimming a lot in the summer to make sure when you put on the preventative to not take your dog swimming for 3 days to allow the chemical to fully soak into the skin. Also in the next few weeks I am going to post a home recipe I have heard works really well. The only drawback is it needs to be applied every few days. Keep your pets safe from these parasites.
If You Haven’t Already It Time for That Flea and Tick Preventative.
by Bull Pull American Bulldogs | Jun 17, 2013 | Health, Safety Tips
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